9/20/2024 4:38:58 PM
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Animal Bedding

Bedding of All Types from US Companies and Local Markets
Our Straw is grown by local farmers, and harvested from local wheat crops.  Straw can help to keep your horses, livestock, and pets clean, warm, and dry. 

Local Straw Bedding

Country Boy Pine Shavings are 7 cubic feet pine shavings.  The bales are an economical choice, for a fresh pine product.

Country Boy Pine Shavings

Guardian Swift Pick Horse Bedding Shavings are a mini flake pine shavings are precision screened to remove dust and large flakes, for easy picking.  

Guardian Swift Pick Horse Bedding Shavings

Guardian Horse Bedding Pellets are 40# bags and serve as great alternative to shavings. 

Guardian Horse Bedding Pellets

Flickerwood S and S Pine Shavings are 10 cubic feet.  These offer a more economical choice when looking for a larger quantity of bedding. 

Flickerwood S and S Pine Shavings

Tiger Fiber’s Hemp Animal Bedding is hyper absorbent (4x its own weight), hypoallergenic, nontoxic, low dust, and fully compostable. Single Packaging 27.5 lbs / each

Tiger Fiber’s Hemp Animal Bedding

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